Thank you for prayerfully considering to partner with Beachside.

We really do what to see God’s kingdom come here on earth. Your contribution means that we can bring the Gospel and the Good News to more people in our community and abroad.

You can give to Beachside directly from the website by clicking the button below.

You can use the following bank account details to give directly from your bank.

Account Name – Beachside Christian Church Working Account
BSB – 704913
Account Number – 400042032

There is also an opportunity to give by cash or credit card each Sunday before or after our service.

What’s On

Men’s Breakfast!

Our Beachside Men’s Breakfast is on June 3rd, 7am to 9am at Winder’s Park Currumbin. Lads and Dads are all welcome!

Alpha Marriage Course

The Marriage Course is a series of seven sessions, designed to help couples invest in their relationship and build a strong marriage.


Vision Sunday pt.1

Our Vision for Beachside and the community for the year.