Who We Are

We are a coastal community that is very intentional in reaching those who are lost and possibly forgotten by society.

We love doing life with sandy feet, salty skin. In all this, Beachside Church has a heart that shows no partiality but welcomes all from all walks of life. We strive to live out love everywhere we go and everyone we come in contact with.

We believe that God has called Beachside to enjoy, love, obey and serve Him. By doing this we represent Him to others and others to Him, as we live out the gospel message of reconciliation to God and to one another.

Mission statement

“To be people so full of the Holy Spirit that we see God completely transform Palm Beach, Gold Coast and many other communities around the world”


“To live out love”

Who's Who

Leigh Elsmore

Lead Pastor

Leigh loves life and loves doing life with others. His passion for surfing, fishing, the local church and the Coast is so evident. As Beachside’s lead pastor, he believes that life is better together and loves connecting people into the laid back but passionate church of Beachside. Leigh really does love seeing people become all God has made them to be. He has one beautiful wife, Shell and 3 growing up fast children, Riley, Tahlia and Indi..

Tim Winslade

Operations Pastor

(Dr) Tim has been married to Sandra for 34 years and have 5 adult kids, 5 grand kids (and one on the way!!). He loves being a “papa” and has a real heart to see people (of all ages) released into God’s destiny for them. Tim is passionate about discipleship and practical faith and has a lot of experience as a pastor and missionary over the last 40 years. Tim’s loves sport and his doctorate was about sport and faith and he is always looking to find ways that the church can tap into our Aussie culture…

Marcos Cortez da Silva

Youth Pastor

Marcos is our Brazilian import – hailing all the way from Sao Paulo. Marcos met his lovely wife Sam at YWAM Brazil and in 2016 followed her to Australia where he quickly became a much loved and valued member of the Beachside family. Marcos is a skater who is learning to surf and is passionate about music. He loves worship and encouraging others to worship God. He is an authentic role model for the younger generation in leading a life that is full of intimacy with God.

Karen James


Karen is a wiz at anything administrative and a huge blessing to Beachside. She works one day a week at Beachside HQ, keeping us up-to-date with finances and a whole range of administrative duties. As well as being super organised she’s a keen kite surfer and paddle boarder, a DIY specialist, and devoted mum to Jack.

Rod Ellem

Leadership Team / Prayer

Rod is married to Amanda and has 4 brilliant kids. He has been blessed to walk with the Lord all his life and can testify that his life is rich following Jesus. He currently leads the Prayer Ministry and desires to encourage everyone to enjoy the great blessing of a life spent in daily relationship with God. Rod surfs (not enough), plays the piano, spends as much time with his family as he can and works as a Physiotherapist. He loves Beachside for its people; passionate, gifted and great to do life with.

Marcus Bancroft

Worship Coordinator

Marcus is a seasoned musician and has done life and music in many parts of the world. He's not just an amazing musician he's a wonderful father of two children and he and his lovely wife have been living on the Gold Coast for many years. Marcus' longs to see worship touch our hearts as we connect to the heartbeat of Jesus. His creativity, passion, and enthusiasm for worship music is so valued at Beachside.

Geoff Swan

Leadership Team

Geoff is part of the leadership team and is a great asset to the church. Over the years Geoff has been apart of the YWAM and been a missionary overseas. Geoff is the Head Chef at CYC Burleigh Heads. He has a beautiful wife and three wonderful children. He loves his music especially the bass, he loves drinking tea and loves to let his hair down. We just love Geoff at Beachside!

Chris Mahoney

Leadership Team

Chris is married to Mike and has two sons and a little grand daughter. She is a skilled counsellor and also is apart of the leadership team at Beachside. Her compassionate heart is so welcomed by many and her wisdom on the leadership team is invaluable. She loves the beach, her family and most all her Father in heaven.

Guiding Principles

What We Believe

We believe that God has called Beachside to enjoy, love, obey and serve Him. By doing this we represent Him to others and others to Him, as we live out the gospel message of reconciliation to God and to one another.

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